behind the words
Stories have been a part of my life since I was old enough to understand them. From bedtime tales about a family of dinosaurs, to poems left behind by leprechauns who'd evaded paper plate "traps", or the frightening rumors of a cannibal child living in the woods behind my grandmother's house, storytelling—and the art of doing it effectively—has been a passion of mine. My first stories were scribbled in a Lisa Frank notebook. While my writing has evolved since then, the magic of words has never left.
In high school I worked for an attorney as an administrative assistant. I got a computer, and from then on spent my days (after work and homework) roleplaying and competing with other writers on the internet. I learned fast, I learned a lot, and I lost probably hundreds of small contests to fantastic writers. So I asked them to teach me. I learned how to critique. I learned how to give advice, and, harder still, how to take it. Most importantly, through a lot of trial and plenty of error, I began to learn how to write more effectively.
Neither college nor jobs stopped me from editing papers and working with my fellow writers. By then I had been moving around on several writing sites, judging contests and offering advice. I joined Wattpad. My experience and knowledge was quickly recognized within the community and I became an engagement ambassador, charged with helping connect 45 million people around the world to stories they’ll love. My specialties? New Adult and Urban Fantasy.
Of course, my journey is nothing without my incredible family, and the talented writers and (very forgiving) readers I've met along the way. Without their help and encouragement, I would not be in the position I am today. I am so grateful to have you.